
Solen Ant剧情任务资料——“蚂蚁女王”任务介绍

[日期:2006-07-31] 来源:UOSS  作者:藍徳(整理) [字体: ]
Solen Ant剧情任务包含着博物学家任务(Naturlist Quest)蚂蚁女王任务(Solen Matriarch Quest)、野心蚁后任务(Ambitious Solen queen quest )三种,玩家可以根据自己的喜好和需要选择其中的一种来完成(限制是每24小时只能接一次任务)。


蚂蚁女王任务(Solen Matriarch Quest)含三个阶段性任务:1、杀7个渗透者;2、给水桶加8壶水;3、采集200个蘑菇交换25个传送粉末。


接任务:蚂蚁女王(Solen Matriarch)在中心蚁穴,接任务时需要给蚂蚁女王一个种子。


  I thank you for that seed. It was quite delicious. So full of flavor. 

  Hmm... if you would like, I could make you a friend of my colony. This would stop the warriors, workers, and queens of my colony from thinking you are an intruder, thus they would not attack you. In addition, as a friend of my colony I will process zoogi fungus into powder of translocation for you. 

  To become a friend of my colony, I ask that you undertake two tasks for me. These are the same tasks I will ask of you when you wish me to process zoogi fungus, by the way. 

  First, I would like for you to eliminate some infiltrators from the other solen colony. They are spying on my colony, and I fear for the safety of my people. They must be slain. 

  After that, I must ask that you gather some water for me. Our water supplies are inadequate, so we must try to supplement our reserve using water vats here in our lair. 

  Will you accept my offer? 
从"view quest log"我们可以看到,这只是第一阶段杀7只蚂蚁渗透者的任务。如下图

同时,我们还需要注意到蚂蚁女王说的“I could make you a friend of my colony”。也就是说,蚂蚁女王的族民(不包括Ant Lion、Giant Beetle)将不会主动攻击你,直到你自己破坏了结盟的约定首先攻击它们。当结盟破裂的时候,你会收到如下图的提示:


当你完成了这个环节的任务(成功杀掉7只蚂蚁渗透者)时,系统会给出"Quest Log Updated"的图标来提醒你回到蚂蚁女王那里进入下一阶段的任务。


接任务:回到蚂蚁女王(Solen Matriarch)所在的中心蚁穴,再给蚂蚁女王一个种子。然后会显示双方的对话及任务内容。

  Marvelous! I'm impressed at your ability to hunt and kill enemies for me. My colony is thankful. 

  Now I must ask that you gather some water for me. A standard pitcher of water holds approximately one gallon. Please decant 8 gallons of fresh water into our water vats. 

  Farewell for now.
从"view quest log"我们可以看到,这次是第二阶段给水缸充8壶水的任务。如下图





  I give you my thanks for your help, and I will gladly make you a friend of my solen colony. My warriors, workers, and queens will no longer perceive you as an intruder and thus will not attack you when you enter our lair. 

  I will also process some zoogi fungus into powder of translocation for you. Two of the zoogi fungi are required for each measure of the powder. I will process up to 200 zoogi fungi into 100 measures of powder of translocation. 

  I will also give you some gold for assisting me and my colony, but first let's take care of your zoogi fungus. 
从"view quest log"我们可以看到,第三阶段的任务将使我们最终得到任务奖品传送粉末。

任务报酬:蚂蚁女王会给你25个传送粉末(powder of translocation)和2000金币。传送粉末可以给连系手镯(bracelet of binding)和传送袋(bag of sending)补充传送次数。

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