2006/8/3 14:35:04
UO.CFG是UO客户端程序的设置文件,里面包含了和程序有关的参数,下面列出一些重要和常用的参数,大部分参数都可以在UO程序中的Optional内设置。玩家可以直接编辑该文件或在程序中设置参数。后面附有UO.CFG参数的完整列表(英文)。      参数 说明  AllowPathfind=[On/Off] 当设置为On时,双击鼠标右键可以使玩家自动移动到指定位置  AssumePlayAsGhost=[On/Off] 如果设置为On,玩家死后会自动变鬼,系统不再提示是否就地复活  CdRomDataPath=[Path] UO光盘路径  Footsteps=[On/Off] 设置在游戏中是否发出走步声.  FullScreen=[On/Off] 设置使用全屏模式还是窗口模式  JournalSaveFile=[Filename] or 
[Path and filename] 如果设置JournalSaveFile,系统会将Journal的内容保存到设置的文件中
该文件随时间增长会变得很大,注意清除  Music=[On/Off] 设置是否播放音乐  NotorietyQuery=[On/Off] 一个非常有用的功能,当设置为On时,系统会在玩家进行犯罪行为之前提示确认,避免无意中犯错(例如在战斗中不小心双击同伴)  Sound=[On/Off] 设置在游戏中是否发出效果音  UnicodeSpeech=[On/Off] 只有设置为On时才可以在游戏中使用中文  UseCircleTrans=[On/Off] 一个很有用的功能,当设置为On时,会在玩家身上生成一个半透明的圆环,这样可以看到并点击被墙遮住的物体
     参数 说明  AcctID=[ASCII string] Your account name that you use to log on to UO.  AcctPassword=[encrypted string] Your account password in encrypted form. This is relatively easy to crack though. That is why you should never give your uo.cfg file to anyone.  AllowPathfind=[On/Off] Lets you set whether or not you wish to have pathfinding available. If it is turned off, then double-right-clicking will do nothing.  allowWindowResize=[On/Off] Set this to 'Off' if you have video problems when using the Big Window. You must add this line only while the client is not running! If you add it while the client is running, unpredictable results may occur!  AssumePlayAsGhost=[On/Off] This option is for use only by those who do not wish to ever get the 'Resurrect With Penalties' option.  AutoArrangeMinimized=[On/Off] This toggle will turn on automatic arranging of minimized gumps to preset locations, rather than stacking them all in the corner.  BarkFontNumber=[1/2] In the game options section under "Miscellaneous" there's three options for "Speech font". When the top-most font is selected there's no "BarkFontNumber" line found in uo.cfg. if you choose the middle font the client adds a line to uo.cfg that reads: BarkFontNumber=1 If you choose the down-most font the line reads: BarkFontNumber=2  BarkTimeModifier=#[000000-FFFFFF] These two UO.CFG options adjust the duration of player and NPC speech. BarkTimeModifier sets how long all speech remains on screen (default is 4 seconds) as a percentage. The default is 300% as long for speech (12 seconds). ScaleBarkTimes is a toggle to adjust whether or not the duration scales based on the length of the text displayed.  ScaleBarkTimes=[On/Off]  CacheSize=[#] Sets the size of a UO only hard drive cache in megabytes. If you did not do a full install this can speed up UO. If you did a full install you can set this to 1 to conserve disk spa

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