
Solen Ant剧情任务资料——“野心蚁后”任务介绍

[日期:2006-07-31] 来源:来源:UOSS  作者:藍徳(整理) [字体: ]

Solen Ant剧情任务包含着博物学家任务 (Naturlist Quest)、蚂蚁女王任务(Solen Matriarch Quest)、 野心蚁后任务(Ambitious Solen queen quest )三种,玩家可以根据自 己的喜好和需要选择其中的一种来完成(限制是每24小时只能接一次任务)。


野心蚁后(Ambitious Solen queen)在蚁 穴D的第二层,左键单击Ambitious Solen queen可以出 现"Talk"选项。

选择与Ambitious Solen queen交谈以后 ,会显示双方的对话及是否接受(accept)该任务的选择。

  Yes. Yes, I think you could be of use. Normally, of course, I would handle these things on my own, but these are busy times. Much to do, much to do. And besides, if I am to one day become the Matriarch, then it will be good to have experience trusting others to carry out various tasks for me. Yes. 

  That is my plan, you see - I will become the next Matriarch. Our current Matriarch is fine and all, but she won't be around forever. And when she steps down, I intend to be the next in line. Ruling others is my destiny, you see. 

  What I ask of you is quite simple. First, I need you to remove some of the - well - competition, I suppose. Though I dare say most are hardly competent to live up to such a title. I'm referring to the other queens of this colony, of course. My dear sisters, so to speak. If you could remove 5 of them, I would be most pleased. *sighs* By remove, I mean kill them. Don't make that face at me - this is how things work in a proper society, and ours has been more proper than most since the dawn of time. It's them or me, and whenever I give it any thought, I'm quite sure I'd prefer it to be them. 
  进入其他蚁穴 ,寻找到孵化室,因为其他black Solen queen都会在孵化室里, 帮助野心蚁后杀掉其他的5只black Solen queen即可回到野心蚁后那里交任务。  

  回到野心蚁后那里,左键单击Ambitious Solen queen可以在次出现"Talk"选项。

  Splendid! You've done quite well in reducing my competition to become the next Matriarch. Now I must ask that you gather some zoogi fungus for me. I must practice processing it into powder of translocation. 

   I believe the amount we agreed upon earlier was 50. Please return when you have that amount and then give them to me. 

  Farewell for now. 
  这个任务很简 单,如果你身上有50个蘑菇,就可以直接给Ambitious Solen queen完成任务。通常我们在完成前半部分任务“杀掉5个蚂蚁女王”时就可以获得50个蘑菇的 战利品。

任务报酬:野心 蚁后Ambitious Solen queen会给你一个传送袋(a bag of sending)和25个传送粉末(25 powder of translocation)及一些钱做为谢礼。

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