

[日期:2006-08-03] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]
双击工会基石契约(Deed to Guild Stone),可以将你的工会基石建立在你满意的地点,同时你即成为工会的首领(Guild Master)。 



Recruit someone into the guild 将非工会玩家招募到工会(只有正式会员和首领由此权限) 

View the current roster. 察看该公会的成员(只显示正式会员) 

View the guild's charter. 察看该公会的章程 

Declare your fealty. 宣誓服从你的领主 

Toggle showing the guild's abbreviation in your name to unguilded people . Currently On/Off . 



Resign from the guild. 退出工会 

View list of candidates who have been sponsored to the guild. 察看工会的候补成员名单 

Access Guild Master functions. 工会领袖菜单 

View list of guilds that (Guild Name) has declared war on. 察看被宣战的工会列表 

View list of guilds that have declared war on (name). 察看已向该公会宣战的工会列表 

2.工会首领专有菜单(Access Guild Master functions.)

Set the guild name.* 设置工会全名 

Set the guilds abbreviation. 设置工会缩写 

Change the alignment of guild. (currently a Chaos/Standard/Order Guild) 

Set the guild's charter. 设置工会的章程 

Dismiss a member. 开除一个成员 

Declare war. 宣战* 

Declare peace. 和战 

Accept a candidate seeking membership. 允许候补成员的转正请求 

Refuse a candidate seeking membership. 拒绝候补成员的转正请求

Set the guildmaster's title. 设置首领的头衔*

Grant a title to another member. 设置其他工会成员的头衔 

Return to main menu. 回到主菜单 


View the guild's charter. 察看该公会的章程 

View list of guilds that (Guild Name) has declared war on. 察看被宣战的工会列表 

View list of guilds that have declared war on (name). 察看已向该公会宣战的工会列表 





*想退出工会,你可以到工会石前双击工会石选第5项。也可以用命令方式退会,命令是:i resign from my guild
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