

[日期:2006-10-20] 来源:UOSS  作者:九宵 [字体: ]


Other Items(材料)
物品名 所需原料 卖价 回收率 可染色 签名 所需技能
Board 1 Wood -- -- No No 0.0
Barrel Staves 5 Wood -- -- No Yes 0.0
Barrel Lid 4 Wood -- -- No Yes 11.0
Short Music Stand (left/right) 15 Wood -- -- Yes Yes 78.9
Tall Music Stand (left/right) 20 Wood -- -- Yes Yes 81.5
Easel (south/east/north) 20 Wood -- -- No Yes 86.8
物品名 所需原料 卖价 回收率 可染色 签名 所需技能
Foot Stool 9 Wood 6 0.66 Yes Yes 11.0
Stool 9 Wood 6 0.66 Yes Yes 11.0
Straw Chair 13 Wood 7 0.53 Yes Yes 21.0
Wooden Chair 13 Wood 7 0.53 Yes Yes 21.0
Vesper-Style Chair 15 Wood 9 0.60 Yes Yes 42.1
Trinsic-Style Chair 15 Wood 7 0.46 Yes Yes 42.1
Wooden Bench 17 Wood 7 0.41 Yes Yes 52.6
Wooden Throne 17 Wood 6 0.35 Yes Yes 52.6
Magincia-Style Throne 19 Wood 24 1.26 Yes Yes 73.6
Small Table 17 Wood 7 0.41 Yes Yes 42.1
Writing Table 17 Wood 9 0.52 Yes Yes 63.1
Large Table 23 Wood 10 0.43 Yes Yes 63.1
Yew-Wood Table 27 Wood 10 0.37 Yes Yes 84.2
物品名 所需原料 卖价 回收率 可染色 签名 所需技能
Wooden Box* 10 Wood 7 0.70 Yes Yes 21.0
Small Crate* 8 Wood 4 0.50 Yes Yes 10.0
Medium Crate* 15 Wood 6 0.40 Yes Yes 31.5
Large Crate* 18 Wood 9 0.50 Yes Yes 47.3
Wooden Chest* 20 Wood 15 0.75 Yes Yes 73.6
Wooden Shelf 25 Wood 9 0.36 Yes Yes 31.5
Armoire (red)* 35 Wood 10 0.28 Yes Yes 84.2
Armoire* 35 Wood 10 0.28 Yes Yes 84.2
Keg 3 Staves + Set of Hoops + Barrel Lid -- -- No No 57.8

* 当使用木匠工具做盒子或箱子(box/chest)的时候,游戏会自动检查你是否有足够的修补技能(Tinkering)来制造带锁的箱子,木匠技能越高,制造的带锁箱子越牢固,不容易被打开。(Use Carpentry tools to make box/chest-- the game will automatically check to see if you have a sufficient Tinkering Ability to create the box/chest as being lockable. The higher the carpentry skill needed to create an item the harder it is to create a lockable version.)

Staves and shields(棍杖、盾)
物品名 所需原料 卖价 回收率 可染色 签名 所需技能
Shepherd's Crook 7 Wood -- -- No Yes 78.9
Quarter Staff 6 Wood 15 - 18 3.0 No Yes 73.6
Gnarled Staff 7 Wood 12-15 2.10 No Yes 78.9
Wooden Shield 9 Wood 37 4.11 No Yes 52.6
Fishing Pole 5 Wood + 5 Cloth -- -- No Yes 68.4 木匠
40.0 裁缝
物品名 所需原料 可染色 签名 木匠技能 音乐技能
Lap Harp 20 wood 10 cloth No Yes 63.1 45.0
Standing Harp 35 wood 15 cloth No Yes 78.9 45.0
Drum 20 wood 10 cloth No Yes 57.8 45.0
Lute 25 wood 10 cloth No Yes 68.4 45.0
Tambourine 15 wood 10 cloth No Yes 57.8 45.0
Tambourine (tassel) 15 wood 15 cloth No Yes 57.8 45.0
Misc Add-ons(附加物品)
物品名 所需原料 可染色 签名 木匠技能 第二技能
Small Bed** 100 wood 100 cloth No No 94.7 75.0 裁缝
Large Bed** 150 wood 150 cloth No No 94.7 75.0 裁缝
Dart Board** 5 Wood No No 15.7 --
Ballot Box** 10 Wood No No 47.3 --
Pentagram** 100 wood 40 ingots No No 100.0 75.0 魔法
Abattoir** 100 wood 40 ingots No No 100.0 50.0 魔法
物品名 所需原料 可染色 签名 木匠技能 铁匠技能
Anvil** 5 wood 150 ingots No Yes 73.6 75.0
Large Forge** 5 wood 100 ingots No Yes 78.9 80.0
Small Forge** 5 wood 75 ingots No Yes 73.6 75.0
物品名 所需原料 可染色 签名 木匠技能 裁缝技能
Training Dummy** 55 wood 60 cloth No No 68.4 50.0
Pickpockets Dip** 65 wood 60 cloth No No 73.6 50.0
物品名 所需原料 可染色 签名 木匠技能 裁缝技能
Dressform 25 Wood 10 Cloth Yes Yes 63.1 65.0
Spinning Wheel** 75 wood 25 cloth No No 73.6 65.0
Loom** 85 wood 25 cloth No No 84.2 65.0
物品名 所需原料 可染色 签名 木匠技能 修补技能
Oven** 85 wood 125 ingots No No 68.4 50.0
Flour Mill** 100 wood 50 ingots No No 94.7 50.0
Water Trough** 150 Wood No No 94.7 --
** 当物品制造后,您将得到该物品的契约(When the item is created, you get a deed which can be used or transferred to someone else. )

- 您只能在房屋中放置这个物品,并且您必须是屋主,当双击使用契约时将出现被放置的影像(就像您放置房屋一样)。
To place the item, you need to use the deed inside the house and be the owner of the house. Using the deed will give you a ghosted image of the item to place (just like when you place a house). The item will be created on the tile that you click on, not where the ghosted image seems to be. To be sure the add-on gets placed correctly you can try blocking off all surrounding tiles with chests and leave a space open where the add-on has to be placed. Or put the deed on the floor on the spot where you want the add-on to be, double-click the deed and then target it.
- 这些物品不能被放置在门、楼梯等通道附近。(These items are not allowed to be placed adjacent to doors)
- 这些物品一但放置将不能移动,但是可以由屋主用斧头劈烂。(Items that are placed cannot be moved. All items may be chopped with an axe by the owner of the house, that will destroy all pieces of the object. )

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