

[日期:2006-10-20] 来源:UOSS  作者:九霄 [字体: ]
可驯动物列表(Tamable Animals)
The Skill listed is the minimum level needed, where there is only a 0.2% chance of successfully taming the creature. For more information on the 4 pretame skill levels listed, see the Professions: The Tamer
2、Skill 1st、Skill 2nd、Skill 3rd、Skill 4th指第几手后训需要的技能,也就是不同人驯该动物训了几次后你再训该动物需要的技能。
Animal Name
Hit Points
Skill 1st
Skill 2nd
Skill 3rd
Skill 4th
Alligator 鳄鱼 46-60 47.1 53.1 59.1 65.1
Bird 1-3 -6.9 -0.9 5.1 11.1
Black Bear 黑熊 46-60 35.1 41.1 47.1 53.1
Boar 公猪 15-15 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Brown Bear 棕熊 46-60 41.1 47.1 53.1 59.1
Bull 公牛 50-64 71.1 77.1 83.1 89.1
Bullfrog 牛蛙 28-42 23.1 29.1 35.1 41.1
Cat 6-6 -0.9 5.1 11.1 17.1
Chicken 小鸡 3-3 -0.9 5.1 11.1 17.1
Cougar 美洲狮 34-48 41.1 47.1 53.1 59.1
Cow 母牛 18-18 11.1 17.1 23.1 29.1
Desert Ostard 沙漠鸟 71-88 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Dire Wolf 悲鸣狼 58-72 83.1 89.1 95.1 101.1
Dog 17-22 -21.3 -15.3 -9.3 -3.3
Eagle 20-27 17.1 23.1 29.1 35.1
Forest Ostard 森林鸟 71-88 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Frenzied Ostard 狂暴鸟 71-110 77.1 83.1 89.1 95.1
Giant Ice Worm 大冰蠕虫 130-147 71.1 77.1 83.1 89.1
Giant Rat 大老鼠 26-39 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Giant Toad 大蟾蜍 46-60 77.1 83.1 89.1 95.1
Goat 山羊 12-12 11.1 17.1 23.1 29.1
Gorilla 猩猩 38-51 -18.9 -12.9 -6.9 -0.9
Great Hart 大公鹿 27-41 59.1 65.1 71.1 77.1
Grey Wolf 灰狼 34-48 53.1 59.1 65.1 71.1
Grizzly Bear 灰熊 76-93 59.1 65.1 71.1 77.1
Hind 鹿 15-29 23.1 29.1 35.1 41.1
Horse 28-45 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Jack Rabbit 野兔 9-9 -18.9 -12.9 -6.9 -0.9
Llama 骆驼 15-27 35.1 41.1 47.1 53.1
Mountain Goat 高地山羊 20-33 -0.9 5.1 11.1 17.1
Pack Horse 驮马 61-80 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Pack Llama 美洲驮 50-50 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Panther 黑豹 37-51 53.1 59.1 65.1 71.1
Pig 12-12 11.1 17.1 23.1 29.1
Polar Bear 北极熊 70-84 35.1 41.1 47.1 53.1
Rabbit 4-6 -18.9 -12.9 -6.9 -0.9
Rat 老鼠 6-6 -0.9 5.1 11.1 17.1
Rideable Llama 美洲驮 15-27 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Ridgeback 驮兽 41-54 83.1 89.1 95.1 101.1
Savage Ridgeback 野人驮兽 41-54 83.1 89.1 95.1 101.1
Sewer Rat 褐家鼠 6-6 -0.9 5.1 11.1 17.1
Sheep 12-12 11.1 17.1 23.1 29.1
Skittering Hopper 水面跳者 31-45 -12.9 -6.9 -0.9 5.1
Snake 15-19 59.1 65.1 71.1 77.1
Snow Leopard 雪豹 34-48 53.1 59.1 65.1 71.1
Timer Wolf 森林狼 34-48 23.1 29.1 35.1 41.1
Walrus 海象 14-17 35.1 41.1 47.1 53.1
War Horse 战马 240-240 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
White Wolf 白狼 34-48 65.1 71.1 77.1 83.1
可驯的怪物(Tamable Monsters)
Monster Name
Skill 1st
Skill 2nd
Skill 3rd
Skill 4th
Dragon 478-495 93.9 99.9 105.9 111.9
Drake 小龙 241-258 84.3 90.3 96.3 102.3
Fire Steed 炎驹 226-240 106 112 118 124
Frost Spider 冰蜘蛛 46-60 74.7 80.7 86.7 92.7
Giant Beetle 大甲虫 200-200 29.1 35.1 41.1 47.1
Giant Spider 大蜘蛛 46-60 59.1 65.1 71.1 77.1
Hell Hound 地狱犬 66-125 85.5 91.5 97.5 103.5
Hellcat (Large) 地狱猫(大) 97-131 89.1 95.1 101.1 107.1
Hellcat (Small) 地狱犬(小) 48-67 71.1 77.1 83.1 89.1
Imp 小恶魔 55-69 83.1 89.1 95.1 101.1
Ki-Rin 麒麟 191-210 95.1 101.1 107.1 113.1
Lava Lizard 火蜥蜴 76-90 80.7 86.7 92.7 98.7
Mongbat 蝙蝠猴 4-6 -18.9 -12.9 -6.9 -0.9
Mongbat (Strong) 蝙蝠猴(强) 34-48 71.1 77.1 83.1 89.1
Nightmare 梦魇 298-315 95.1 101.1 107.1 113.1
Scorpion 蝎子 50-63 47.1 53.1 59.1 65.1
Slime 粘液怪 15-19 23.1 29.1 35.1 41.1
Swamp Dragon 沼泽龙 121-180 93.9 99.9 105.9 111.9
Unicorn 独角兽 191-210 95.1 101.1 107.1 113.1
White Wyrm 白龙 433-456 96.3 102.3 108.3 114.3
当你达到100%可驯时,你也只有1/20的机会去驯Nightmare, Dragon, Swamp Dragon or White Wyrm。(因为你会激怒它)
Even with 100% Ability, there is only a 1 in 20 chance of successfully taming a Nightmare, Dragon, Swamp Dragon or White Wyrm. ("You seem to anger the Beast")
宠物限制(Pet Limit)
You will only be able to control a number of pets based on your pet control slots. Every player has 5 pet control slots. Most pets only require 1 slot, with the following exceptions:

需要两个控制点的宠物有:hirelings, fire steeds, unicorns, ki-rin, nightmares, drakes, and imps
2 control slots: hirelings, fire steeds, unicorns, ki-rin, nightmares, drakes, and imps

需要三个控制点的宠物有:white wyrms, dragons, and golems
3 controls slots: white wyrms, dragons, and golems

招唤类Summoned Creatures

2 control slots: air and earth elementals
3 control slots: water elementals
4 control slots: fire elementals
5 control slots: daemons

You must have the required control slots available for your mount. Ethereal mounts will require 1 control slot as well. This means that if you go hunting with a dragon (3 control slots) and a drake (2 control slots), you'll have to go on foot.
宠物血盟(Pet Bonding)
After a real-time week of ownership, pets may bond with their owner. If the animal requires more than 29.1 minimum skill to tame, you must have the minimum skill to tame it before it will bond with you. Examples of animals with 29.1 or lower are horses, ostards, dogs, cats, pack horses, etc.
  • 血盟宠物能够随你一起recall。
    Bonded pets will recall with you.
  • 血盟宠物死了会变鬼。
    Bonded pets will turn into pet ghosts when they die.
  • 血盟宠物头上显示的[训服]将变成[结合]。
    Instead of [tame], a [bonded] tag will display above a bonded pet.
  • 如果血盟宠物野化或者被释放,血盟取消。
    A bond is only broken if the pet goes wild or is released.
宠物复活(Pet Resurrection)
当一个血盟宠物死掉,它将变成“宠物鬼”,这个鬼仍然能够接受主人的指令(follow, come,等等)。宠物鬼不能被释放,不会失去忠诚值,并不能被存放
When a bonded pet dies, it turns into a "pet ghost." This ghost can still obey the movement commands (follow, come, etc.). The pet ghost will not dissipate or lose loyalty, and cannot be stabled.

Any player can attempt to resurrect the pet with bandages if they have at least 80 Veterinary and 80 Animal Lore. The pet owner or a friend of the pet must be nearby to confirm they want the pet to be resurrected. Resurrected pets suffer skill loss, but pets resurrected by their owner receive less of a skill penalty.
寄存限制(Stable Slots)
所有的玩家都能够在马棚NPC处存放两个宠物。如果想多存一点,你必须满足如下要求。即:训兽技能、兽医技能、动物学技能的总数—— 能够寄存的宠物数量
All characters are allowed to store 2 pets with an NPC Stablemaster. In order to stable more, your total combine skill in Animal Taming, Veterinary, and Animal Lore will need to be a certain amount.
Combined Skill Total
160 - 199.9
200 - 239.9
  控制系数 = ( 驯兽 x 4 + 动物学 ) / 5
●[公式A] 若控制系数小于或等于宠物的最低驯服值,则计算公式如下
  宠物控制力 (%) = 70 + 14 x ( 控制系数 - 宠物的最低驯服值 )
●[公式B] 若控制系数大于宠物的最低驯服值,则计算公式如下
  宠物控制力 (%) = 70 + 6 x ( 控制系数 - 宠物的最低驯服值 )
●计算结果若小于 20%,则宠物控制力等于 20%
●计算结果若大于 99%,则宠物控制力等于 99%
●宠物的最低驯服值在 29.1 以下的,宠物控制力为 100%
●以一个动物学 100.0、驯兽 90.0 的驯兽师而言,对梦魇的控制力计算方式如下
  梦魇的最低驯服值为 95.1
  控制系数 = ( 90 x 4 + 100 ) / 5 = 92.0
  因为 92.0 < 95.1 所以用 [公式A]
  对梦魇的控制力 (%) = 70 + 14 x ( 92.0 - 95.1 ) = 26.6%
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